Monday, 7 October 2019

Stepping up

I have still not started stocking the shelves in The Toy House. There are several reasons this has happened yet, mostly to do with real life taking up way too much time and that I know I need a lot, and I mean A Lot more toys to fill the floor to ceiling shelves!

The other small issue is that I realized H. R. Tjørngren, the shop owner, would never ever be able to reach the top shelf to get the toys down once I put them up there! He was going to need a step ladder.

I got a fabulous little library ladder kit (and a few others) from Jane Harrop which is just the perfect height. I have given it numerous layers of paint, sanded down between each coat - mostly because I could not decide on a colour. In the end, it is now looking suitably worn.

H. R. Tjørngren seemed pretty happy. Perhaps, he is just happy to be out of the box, he has been in for over 20 years. That is how long ago it is that I made him.

Testing the ladder...

.. yep, those top shelves are now within reach. It looks like I better get started making more toys.